This is my first post in English and I think it deserves to be the first one (hopefully from many others to come).
I was really honoured and happy when I was offered the opportunity to go for a week in Split, Croatia with the Erasmus+ program were I will learn how to create a map.
This is a huge chance for me because it well help me a lot with my project - Constanta Free Tour.
So far I was asking on several institutions and organizations to help me with some maps.
You know that saying :"give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he will never starve again". Well, I guess I'll learn how to "fish" :)
And now I have the chance to create my own map of Constanta exactly as I think it will be more usefull for tourists.
My training program will be in April and after that you should keep an eye on this app: USE-IT because here you will find my map of Constanta.
So far, from Romania the only city with a touristic map on this app is Timisoara.
I am really proud because I now feel that I will leave something for others.
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Acesta este primul post in engleza, dar chiar merita sa fie acesta si sper sa mai vina multe altele pe viitor.
Am foarte incantata cand mi s-a oferit oportunitatea de a merge pentru o saptamana in Split, Croatia printr-un program Erasmus+ unde voi invata sa creez o harta.
Pentru mine este o sansa extraordinara, fiindca ma ajuta foarte mult si in proiectul personal - Constanta Free Tour / Constanta la Pas.
Pana acum eu cerusem la diverse institutii si organizatii sa ma ajute cu atat de necesarele harti.
Stiti vorba aceea: "da-i omului peste si va manca o zi, invata-l sa pescuiasca si nu va mai flamanzi niciodata". Voi invata sa "pescuiesc" :)
Si am sansa de a-mi crea propria harta pentru Constanta exact cum imi doresc astfel incat sa ii ajute cu adevarat pe turisti.
Pregatirea mea se va desfasura timp de o saptamana in luna aprilie si apoi fiti cu ochii pe aplicatia USE IT pentru ca acolo veti gasi si harta Constantei.
Pana acum, in Romania singurul oras care a mai creat o harta pe aceasta aplicatie este Timisoara.
Sunt extraordinar de mandra fiindca acum simt ca las cu adevarat ceva in urma.